As in previous years, the school year began for the classes of the vocational college with "hands-on lessons". On Wednesday, 27 October 2021, the classes were invited to visit the company BLANK in Riedlingen. Divided in two groups, they first received a short introduction to the company from Mr. Gaupp (head of the BLANK Academy) and Mr. Fay (responsible for industrial training) and then the company was explored. The pupils were given an insight into various areas of production, such as toolmaking, wax model production, vacuum casting and open casting.
They didn‘t only learn about the training opportunities on site in Riedlingen, but also about the complexity of a company, how departments interact and work together and how important a good team is. But that's not all for the students of the vocational college: as "homework" they are now to prepare a presentation on the company tour using different media. They can choose between the presentation options Power Point, flipchart, poster, metaplan board and visualiser. Of course, a suitable handout for the respective medium should not be missing. The grade for this is included in the subject Project Competence.
Article of the vocational college Riedlingen