We are now

We are better together! And, we now operate globally under the name Texmo Blank. You can find more information on our new website:

Until we launch the full version of our new website, you will continue to find details about investment casting as well as jobs vacancies on this page.

Casting mechanic during open casting of the melt at FEINGUSS BLANK design-line

Pupils get an insight into the world of investment casting

Just before the summer holidays BLANK welcomed 8th grade pupils from the Joseph-Christian-Gemeinschaftsschule (community school). The pupils will have to decide soon if they continue to stay at school or start a practical education. “In this situation it is helpful to get insight into working life,” explains Michael Fay, trainer at BLANK. He had decided to start a technical apprenticeship and meanwhile has been working in the company for more than 30 years.
Two classes, divided in several groups, experienced the production process closely. With over 30 degrees and pure sunshine this was a challenge, especially in the foundry where the hot metal is cast at 1600 °C - you can't help but break a sweat. Nevertheless, the students were impressed by the process and especially by the imposing open casting of the hot metal. “We are happy about the visit of the classes. It's always a great opportunity to communicate our very complex manufacturing process," says Ellen Schwörer from HR management, "And maybe we could inspire some of them for an apprenticeship at BLANK next year."

8th grade pupils from the Joseph-Christian-Gemeinschaftsschule (community school)

8th grade pupils from the Joseph-Christian-Gemeinschaftsschule (community school)

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