We are now
We are better together! And, we now operate globally under the name Texmo Blank. You can find more information on our new website:
Until we launch the full version of our new website, you will continue to find details about investment casting as well as jobs vacancies on this page.

The corporate values of the BLANK-Group
What distinguishes us…
- Reliability achieved through discipline
- Honesty through clarity and openness
- Trust through taking on responsibility
- Respect in dealing with each other
- Excellence through mutual support and the continuous striving for improvements
Corporate goals
- Long-term return on investments in the future of the company group
- Reliable partnerships
We foster and cultivate long-term, cooperative business relationships with customers, suppliers and service providers through trust and openness. We achieve this through reliability and competitiveness in our value chain.
- Motivated and competent employees
The extraordinarily high level of identification of our employees with the values and goals of the company group is one of our decisive factors of success. The excellent control of our daily business secures our existence and forms the foundation for our long-term success.
- Responsibility for society and the environment
As a medium-sized family business, we bear responsibility for our social environment. We attach importance to sustainable management to protect the environment and natural resources. We comply with the law and act according to ethical and moral principles.