The contracts for the third education partnership of the Franz-von-Sales-Secondary School in Obermarchtal have been signed on 1st February 2017. In future this girls’ school will work together with the investment casting company BLANK in Riedlingen.
“This is a further step to support our pupils in vocational orientation” said director Mrs. Simone Mühlberger when signing the contract. The Catholic girls’ school undertakes the task to prepare the pupils for life on the basis of the “Marchtaler Plan” and a Christian education, thereby the selection of a profession is an important point.
The two already existing education partnerships, a guided youth programme and practical trainings provide various offers concerning vocational orientation, but this new cooperation gives an insight into an industrial enterprise and technical vocational fields.
“It is important to choose a profession which corresponds to one’s talents and gives pleasure. This makes feelings of success possible”, said Mr. Otto Sälzle, CEO of the Chamber of Commerce in Ulm.
The education partnership with the automotive supplier will open a completely different experiential world to the girls. “Girls perform in technical professions as good as boys”, mentioned Mr. Sälzle and added that the industry offers good income opportunites. He also pointed out that a professional education is always a good basis and that skilled workers are sought-after four times more than academics.
“The cooperation between schools and enterprises shall build a bridge” according to Mr. Jürgen Litz, personnel manager at FEINGUSS BLANK, “there have never been so many possibilities to choose a profession as nowadays, therefore schools and enterprises bear a special responsibility in supporting.”
Of course, an education partnership has also advantages for the enterprise in view of an early contact to possible future trainees. The event was enriched by the school’s choir and some short acting and dancing performances in which the pupils of class 8 introduced various profession groups.
(excerpt of article in the newspaper “Schwäbische Zeitung” dd 30th January.2017)