Seeing a company in the region from the inside: That was the objective of the ”Schwäbische Zeitung” when initiating the campaign "Schwäbische Türöffner". In Riedlingen the BLANK-Group, of course, participated in this campaign and the company gave 60 people an insight into the world of casting. The visit started with a greeting by Managing Director Hubert Deutsch and a brief review of the company's history by the shareholder and former Managing Director Werner Blank who told some anecdotes from the early days. "I was a pupil in high school when we helped to clear out the “Hiller stable” in Riedlingen in the afternoon.” There the production of the first investment castings began.
Before the tour started, Managing Director Hubert Deutsch gave a brief insight into the current situation at BLANK and wished all participants many exciting impressions on the subsequent guided tour. "Enjoy the tour and take something to drink with you because it can get hot here," he joked before the visitors set off in two groups. One of the groups was supervised by Werner Blank who likes to support the BLANK-Group on regular factory tours. In addition, Peter Schäfer, deputy head of the casting production department, agreed to accompany the second group. Beside a visit in the new Plant 4 which houses an intelligent processing and assembly unit, the highlight of the tour was the open casting of the approx. 1,600 °C hot metal into the ceramic shells.
At the end of the tour some refreshments awaited the visitors and there was the opportunity to ask questions again or just to exchange views.