The BLANK-Group presents the first material app in the sector. "Smart Material" bundles the material expertise of the BLANK-Group and enables the user to select interesting materials easily and intuitively.
Our approach
There is an infinite variety of metallic materials - all with specific properties - and if these are heat treated, these properties and also the nature of the materials change additionally. If you try to represent these dependencies graphically, it quickly becomes complex and confusing. This is a problem that BLANK has set itself the task of solving. The result: a smart solution for designers and developers that replaces conventional and often confusing tables.
What can the app do?
Filters can be set using the following parameters:
- Mechanical and physical characteristics
- Hardness and corrosion resistance
- Information on further processing, such as machinability or weldability
- Areas of application, such as use in medical technology
You can find more information on our homepage on the page App "SMART MATERIAL".