Die Energiezukunft nachhaltig und zukunftsfähig gestalten, das ist nicht nur die Aufgabe der Politik sondern eines jeden einzelnen, auch der Unternehmen. Damit dies zielorientiert und erfolgreich funktioniert, haben der Landkreis Biberach und die Energieagentur Biberach Vertreter von Unternehmen sowie der Kommunalpolitik zum Energiewirtschaftsforum des Landkreises zu FEINGUSS BLANK nach Riedlingen eingeladen.
Creating the energy future sustainably is not only the task of politics, but of each individual – also the enterprises. The administrative district of Biberach and the energy agency of Biberach invited representatives of enterprises and local politicians to talk about a target-oriented, successful realization of this topic during the energy business forum which took place in the premises of FEINGUSS BLANK.
The guests had the opportunity to visit the plant of FEINGUSS BLANK. The focus thereby was on the production as well as the use of exhaust heat and the permanent efforts to save energy and resources.
Mr. Werner Blank illustrated this topic in his welcoming speech for the around 100 guests. Since many years FEINGUSS BLANK has been dealing with the topics energy efficiency and climate protection and this already before the big accident of Fukushima, emphasized the entrepreneur. The energy costs are a big factor for the enterprise and so we joined the energy efficiency network already in 2007, in addition FEINGUSS BLANK has been certified in the energy and environment sector since many years.
District administrator Mr. Heiko Schmid was happy about the big interest of the entrepreneurs. Their competence makes them essential partners in the energy transition. He also gave a look back regarding the energy transition in the administrative district in the past years.
Thomas Wiedmann, responsible for technology and infrastructure at FEINGUSS BLANK informed about “Hidden Values” - how to save energy and money with smart know-how – giving an energetic insight into FEINGUSS BLANK.
“Energy transition in enterprises: Ideas and approaches from practice” was the topic of Mr. Andreas Linzmeier, managing director of the LINZMEIER Group.
Mr. Walter Göppel director of the energy agency of the districts Ravensburg/Biberach spoke about energy and climate protection in municipalities and enterprises. In the district of Biberach about 5 billion kWh of energy are consumed per year, converted in heating oil this would correspond to 500 billion litres.
After the interesting speeches FEINGUSS BLANK invited the participants to a comfortable stay and exchange in the premises.